Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Silent Rally

Housing and lender burst out of their gates and kept on running. Where is the press you might ask? Why the rally?

This morning I showed you why were in for a great day. The old today, yesterday, one week, one month downward 10 year note trend will catch them every time.

ESPECIALLY when it is suppose to go in reverse.

But what, no stories? Do you know of a man that took the time to write out a story to prove he was wrong? Before you pound your chest, first you need to make some correct predictions.

Nobody can report on the falling rates, because nobody predicted the falling rates.

Next month will be different.

We will have a sharp reporter set the stage to where SHE can later say see I told you.

The old today, yesterday, one week, one month downward trend will happen again. This time the story will hit the business papers and website to greet the market open, follow by the I am so brilliant evening post, hmmm.

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