Monday, September 24, 2007
I Rest My Case
When the rest of the world was predicting the Feds would cause mortgage rates to grow into double digits, I alone said they would fall. I was right. click on this blog title to see for yourself.
Got news for you, I am right now too. Mortgage rates are exploding despite the SURPRISING level of cut by the federal reserve. The chart shows when the US TREASURY announced the record deficit. That can be seen by when the rates started to rise. The Federal Reserve shocked the country with it's large rate cut. That marks the next decline in rates. The next rally in mortgage rates occurred on the US TREASURY announcement that on October 1, 2007 the USA will slam into it's debt ceiling.
George Bush bankrupt the country. Reality will prevail over the Wizard of OZ at the Federal Reserve.
Bush has made some strides. Just as we bankrupt Russia during the cold war. Bush now realize that our war is breaking us. Following the announcement by the US Treasury he has announced troop reductions. Is it enough? Is it to late? Corporations are making records earnings and paying record taxes. The people are paying record taxes. The military looks like it will be reduced. Can we be saved?
If you want to know our potential future, study the economic history of Germany that led to the empowerment of Adolf Hitler.
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