Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is a lying POS

The Fed Chairman and myself do not have a difference of opinion. I know he to smart for that. He is simply a lying POS.

Today he told the Europeans that though the American economy can't run a deficit forever it is strong enough to carry one for now without a credit crunch occuring.


The attached chart shows the US dollar losing 7% of it's value compare to the British Pound in just ONE year. At the same time the Footse 100 rose 4% and the DOW gained 15%

Is a person from London were to invest in the DOW he would make 15% minus the 7% for the curency lost. If an American were to invest in the Footse. He would make 5% on the Footse and 7% on the currency exchange over the past year.

The British investing in America made 8% total. The American investing in Britian made 12% total. Money will flow out of the USA like never before.

It's getting WORSE not better. The economic crisis is forcing America to make BAD decisions. Each week like clock work our currency crashes. We need to slash the number of notes the country auction's off. We need to genreate more tax dollars. We can't do either.

A market collasp is coming. This is why the Fed Chairman lied. It's a last ditch attempt.

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